The people of the dangerous moon Dilunar live underground. Anaria keeps her promise to her Shaman mother and is whisked from her home planet to Dilunar, but the leaders are angry and disappointed that she has come instead of her mother. They believe Anaria is not a properly trained Shaman and will be unable to move their people to the safety of another moon.
Leion does not agree with his fellow leaders. He befriends Anaria and together they design a plan to move the people. If they fail everyone on Dilunar will die.
Dilunar: Moon of Danger
Kidnapped by Majic
Wen’s train ride home ended in a completely different dimension and her life changed forever.
Ulmuswood is a land of majic and mysteries but Wen doesn’t believe in majic. She tries to prove there's no such thing, but her spell is so explosive it attracts the attention of the authorities. Wen finds safety beneath with Brin beneath the canopy of the majical forest. Brin teaches her how to tap into her own power and control the use of spells.
The town’s true leaders are in seclusion and unrest is growing among the population. Her friends ask her to help them reinstate the true rulers, but Wen is unsure whether her newfound magic will help or make things worse.
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